In today's world, the word “alchemy” has become a marketing buzzword, often stripped of its profound meaning and ancient wisdom. But what exactly is an alchemist? The answer might surprise you, as true alchemy has been misinterpreted and obscured through centuries of misunderstanding.
As someone deeply committed to preserving and sharing this magical wisdom, I'm here to guide you through the authentic principles of alchemy—not through complicated symbology or complex formulas, but through practical, transformative practices you can incorporate into your daily life. Let's embark on a journey filled with fragrant wisdom and historical insights that will help you achieve a more balanced, harmonious existence.
The Five Pillars of The Alchemist
Traditional alchemical cosmetics were crafted through the integration of five essential scientific disciplines:
Botany: The art of identifying and understanding various herbs and plants
Phytotherapy: The therapeutic application of plant materials
Astrology: Understanding natural cycles for optimal harvesting, sowing and preparation
Cosmetics: The science of creating healing preparations, the beginnings of modern-day pharmacology.
Medicine: Knowledge of bodily systems and natural healing
The movement of the planets and our Moon affect so much of what is on Earth; following the rhythms of nature is the way to achieve best results.
Alchemists often used to have knowledge about medicine, as understanding how the body works, gets sick and recovers, they could create remedies to counteract the illnesses. These sciences weren't separate disciplines but interconnected aspects of a holistic approach to transformation. True alchemy seeks to transform elements in ways that enhance body, mind, and soul simultaneously. Knowledge of all these sciences shaped ancient alchemy—an alchemist is the person who follows and integrates these principles in their creations.
The Alchemical Heritage
My family has preserved these principles for generations, and I continue this legacy through Sonia Orts brand and its botanical alchemy. By following traditional alchemical methods with organic raw ingredients, I create products that facilitate transformation from the inside out, promoting balance, harmony, and wellbeing. My family has been following these principles for centuries, and I keep creating under this same basis rigorously with my brand, Sonia Orts. I strongly believe that through the alchemic transformation of organic raw ingredients—and applying the above rules—I can help you alter your body, mind and soul from inside out, thus achieving more balance, harmony and wellbeing.
Aromatherapy: The Alchemical Art of Essential Oils
In Spain, aromatherapy is an art. The alchemic art of using essential oils to bring health, wellbeing, and beauty.
While the term “aromatherapy” was first coined in 1937 by René-Maurice Gattefossé, its roots trace back over 5,000 years to ancient alchemical practices. Aromatherapy is a modern word; the word first appeared in print in a French book on the subject: Aromathérapie: Les Huiles Essentielles, Hormones Végétales by René-Maurice Gattefossé. The word “perfume” itself comes from the Latin “per fumo,” meaning “through smoke,” reflecting humanity's earliest discoveries of plants' beneficial properties. Through distillation, alchemists learned to concentrate plant essences into powerful essential oils, dramatically amplifying their beneficial properties. A pure essential oil captures both the physical and energetic essence of its source plant, making it a powerful tool for transformation. This is because a truly pure essential oil represents the body and the “soul” of the plants that they are sourced from.
Practising Modern Alchemy
To create truly alchemical products, consider these essential aspects:
Purpose and Intent
Clearly define what you're treating or hoping to achieve
Choose the most appropriate form (lotion, toner, cream, oil)
Select plants and ingredients aligned with your purpose
Timing and Natural Cycles
Consider the optimal time for creation (day/night)
Work with lunar phases (waxing, waning, full, or new moon)
Honour natural rhythms and cycles
Energy and Connection
Maintain positive intention throughout the creation process
Understand that your energy influences the final product
Create with mindfulness and purpose
Looking Forward
Becoming an alchemist is a journey that requires patience, dedication, and practice. While it may seem overwhelming at first, the rewards of creating truly transformative products are immeasurable. In future posts, we'll explore how to identify pure essential oils suitable for alchemical work and delve deeper into specific practices and preparations.
Remember, true alchemy isn't about quick fixes or surface-level changes—it's about deep, lasting transformation that honours ancient wisdom while embracing modern understanding.
Wishing you magic in your alchemical journey,
Sonia x