Over four thousand years ago, honey was used as a traditional ayurvedic medicine, where it was thought to be effective at treating material imbalances in the body. In pre-Ancient Egyptian times, honey was used topically to treat wounds. Egyptian medicinal compounds more than five millennia ago used honey. The ancient Greeks believed that consuming honey could help make you live longer.

Today, we still keep using raw honey's antibiotic properties in treating colds and sore throats. Honey coats the throat and reduces irritation. For blocked sinuses, mix a teaspoon of honey, one drop of rosemary or eucalyptus essential oil in a pot of hot water, put a towel over your head, and just inhale the steam. Raw honey is an effective treatment for acne. A small amount placed on blemishes and acne nightly will often clear the skin in a short period of time. Washing your face with honey will also leave you with sparkling, clean, soft skin. To treat allergies, take a teaspoon of raw honey a couple of times a day starting a few months prior to allergy season.
There are many varieties of honey, some of which are used to treat specific health conditions.
Manuka honey has strong antibacterial properties. This healing honey has been known to New Zealand's indigenous cultures for thousands of years. Manuka honey contains antibacterial properties and in a study conducted by the University of Sydney University's School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences killed nearly every type of bacteria it was exposed to, including antibiotic-resistant “superbugs”. Manuka honey is made by bees that feed on the flowers of the manuka bush, also known as the tea tree, in New Zealand. In Australia, the tree used to make manuka honey is called the jellybush. The honey is distinctively flavoured, darker and richer than other honey.
Manuka honey has an antibacterial component that sets it apart from other honeys. This activity is stable and doesn't lose its potency when exposed to dilution, heat or light.
Manuka honey has been found to be effective against a range of bacteria including Helicobacter pylori (which causes most stomach ulcers); Escherichia coli (the most common cause of infected wounds) and Streptococcus pyogenes (which causes sore throats).
Manuka honey is antimicrobial and antiviral. It is also an antioxidant that can help to increase vitality and immunity. Trials have indicated that manuka honey can heal wounds and skin ulcers that haven't responded to standard treatments. Manuka honey can be applied topically to the skin as a balm for skin infections, bites, and cuts.

Acacia honey cleanses the liver, promotes intestinal health, and reduces inflammation in the respiratory tract. Buckwheat honey, a strong tasting and dark honey, has strong antioxidant properties. Red Gum Honey also has strong antioxidant properties. Eucalyptus honey can be used to prevent colds and headaches. Heather honey has been used since ancient times for its medicinal properties. This honey contains a high level of protein. Linden honey is known for its sedative and antiseptic properties. It is used to treat anxiety, insomnia, colds, coughs, and bronchitis. Neem honey is highly esteemed in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. Neem Honey is used to treat high blood pressure, diabetes, skin conditions, periodontal infections, throat infections and allergies.
Bees create propolis, a natural resin, to build their hives. Propolis is made from the buds of conifer and poplar trees, beeswax, and other bee secretions. Historically, propolis was used in Greece to treat abscesses. The Assyrians also used propolis to heal wounds and tumours, while the Egyptians used it for mummification. Today, propolis is commonly found in chewing gum, cosmetics, creams, lozenges, and skin creams. It is frequently used in foods and beverages with the claim that it can maintain or improve health. Propolis treats burns, dental wound healing, dental pain, stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, colds, rheumatic diseases, fungal infections, dental plaque and gingivitis, cornea complications from zoster, canker sores, and much more...
Royal Jelly is the third treasure produced by bees like Propolis and Honey, except that this one is reserved exclusively for the Queen Bee and for the Royal elite serving to protect them and give them a high energy level.
In addition to all the healing properties already mentioned, Royal Jelly gives you a plus of Strength, Energy, and Vitality. Commonly combined with Ginseng it promotes a healthy functioning of the body and organs and boosts up your immune system. It acts as an aphrodisiac and stimulates the libido. It balances your nervous system, improve your memory and reduce stress levels.
In conclusion, I could keep enumerating the endless virtues oft these three bees treasures, but I would just like to add: DON'T MISS IT UP FOR THIS WINTER!